Trapped neutrophil syndrome (TNS)
Trapped neutrophil syndrome (TNS) is a disorder that impacts the immune system. Dogs with TNS can show early infections starting at around six weeks of age, react badly to immunisation, or be smaller than their litter mates. They usually struggle with frequent or ongoing infections, and most end up being euthanised.
TNS is found in all lines of border collies and may also be present in working Kelpies due to interbreeding in the past.
TNS is an autosomal recessive disorder. Autosomal disorders are equally likely to affect male or female dogs, while "recessive" means that a dog needs to inherit the TNS mutation from both its parents to be affected.
Gene or region and technical reference
Gene: VPS13B (causative). Reference: Shearman and Wilton, 2011.
Reported alleles
n. Test developed using artificial DNA and animal controls.
TNS. Test developed using artificial DNA and animal cases.
Panels: groups of tests that are often ordered together
This test is in the working dog core panel.