Improper coat
Furnishings are a sort of coat that gives dogs distinctive longer facial hair resembling moustaches.
In some breeds and cross breeds, such as Portugese water dogs and "Doodles" the furnishings coat type not always present. In these cases puppies born without furnishings are said to have an "improper coat".
Breeders can use this test to find out if their dogs are carriers of improper coat. Furnishings are a dominant trait, meaning dogs can be silent carriers for improper coat. The only way to know this is to do a DNA test.
Gene or region and technical reference
Gene: RSPO2 (causative). Reference: Parker et al. (2010), Cadieu et al. (2009)
Reported alleles
F. Test developed using manufactured DNA, animal controls.
IC. Test developed using manufactured DNA, animal cases.
Panels: groups of tests that are often ordered together
This test is in the coat type panel.