D locus dilute d2 (Chow Chow type) (d2)


Dilution is the colour gene that dilutes brown to silver, and black to a blue or slate colur. Dilution is a recessive trait. This means that dogs can silently carry the dilute gene, without being dilute themselves. Dogs like this - dilute carriers - can potentially produce dilute puppies.

The dilute type 2 test is for a rare form of the dilution gene that so far has been found in Chow Chows, Sloughis and Thai Ridgebacks. It can create the dilute coat colours by itself or in combination with the common dilute gene.

Gene or region and technical reference

Gene: MLPH (causative). Reference: Bauer et al. (2018)

Reported alleles

n. Test developed using manufactured DNA, animal controls.

d2. Test developed using manufactured DNA, animal cases.

Panels: groups of tests that are often ordered together

This test is in the D locus panel.


A dilute Thai Ridgeback

Order tests

There is a one-off sample processing fee of $40 per animal plus the cost of your tests.

How many animals are you testing? Discount or society code:


Colour panels

$24 B locus ... more

$35 Coat type ... more

$16 D locus ... more

$16 E locus ... more

Panels by breed

$80 CKCS health mini-panel ... more

Working dogs

$59 Australian Kelpie panel ... more

$26 Working dog CA ... more

$54 Working dog core panel ... more

Good looks

Coat characteristics

$9 Coat length L (common form) (L) ... more

$9 Coat length L2 (L2) ... more

$9 Curly coat ... more

$9 Curly coat type 2 ... more

$9 Improper coat ... more

$14 Shedding ... more

Coat colour

$9 B locus brown (bc allele) (bc) ... more

$9 B locus brown (bd allele) (bd) ... more

$9 B locus brown (bs allele) (bs) ... more

$9 D locus dilute d (common type) (d) ... more

$9 D locus dilute d2 (Chow Chow type) (d2)

$9 E locus melanistic mask ... more

$9 E locus red/black ... more

$9 I locus intensity dilution ... more

$9 K locus dominant black ... more

Good health

Australian Kelpies

$14 Intestinal lipid malabsorption (ILM) ... more

Good health

Multiple breeds

$14 Airways oedema ... more

$14 Congenital multifocal retinopathy 1 (Mastiff type) (CMR1) ... more

$14 Degenerative myelopathy (DM) ... more

$14 Hyperuricosuria (HUU) ... more

$14 Ivermectin and multidrug sensitivity ... more

$14 Myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD) ... more

$14 Progressive retinal atrophy - PRCD (PRA-PRCD) ... more

$14 Progressive retinal atrophy CORD1 (PRA-cord1) ... more

Pure- and part-bred CKCS

$14 Congenital macrothrombocytopenia (CKCS type) (CM) ... more

$14 Curly coat/dry eye syndrome (CKCS) (CKCSID) ... more

$14 Episodic falling syndrome (CKCS) (EF) ... more

$14 Medium-chain acyl co-A dehydrogenase deficiency (CKCS) (MCADD) ... more

$14 Myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD) ... more

Pure- and part-bred Labradors

$14 Labrador centronuclear myopathy (CNM) ... more

$14 Labrador exercise induced collapse (EIC) ... more

$14 Labrador hereditary nasal parakeratosis (HNPK) ... more

Pure- and part-bred NSDTR

$14 Cleft lip/palate and syndactyly (CLPS) ... more

$14 Cleft palate (CP1) ... more

Pure- and part-bred bulldog breeds

$26 Cystinuria (Bulldog risk markers) ... more

$14 Screw tail ... more

Working dogs

$14 Cerebellar abiotrophy marker (LINGO3) (CA LINGO3) ... more

$14 Cerebellar abiotrophy marker (VMP1) (CA VMP1) ... more

$14 Collie eye anomaly (CEA) ... more

$14 Trapped neutrophil syndrome (TNS) ... more

Tests can be in the list more than once when the gene in question has more than one effect. It is OK to select the same test once or more than once, the price is the same.