B locus brown (bs allele) (bs)
Brown dogs can be found in many different breeds and cross-breeds. Brown dogs are often a beautiful chocolate colour, and have brown instead of black noses.
The brown coat colour in dogs is recessive. This means that some dogs that aren't brown still have the potential to produce brown puppies. It also means that when two brown dogs are bred together, they won't produce any black puppies.
This individual test is for a common brown allele, bs. Results are reported as either bs or n, where n could be B or another brown allele. To test for all three brown variants at once, try our B locus panel.
Gene or region and technical reference
Gene: TYRP1 (causative). Reference: Schmutz, Berryere, and Goldfinch (2003)
Reported alleles
n. Test developed using artificial DNA and animal controls.
bs. Test developed using artificial DNA and animal cases.
Panels: groups of tests that are often ordered together
This test is in the B locus panel.